Patrik Sahlin
A pattern generating model inspired by plant phyllotaxis

Master Thesis in Theoretical Physics

Abstract: We have developed and analysed a model for pattern creation based on polarised auxin transport. Auxin is a hormone located in plant cells and studies have shown that localised concentrations of auxin controls plant organ positioning. In the model auxin moves between cells via a polarised transport dependent on the cell efflux mediator PIN1. The hypothesis of the model is that PIN1 polarises in a direction dependent on auxin concentrations in neighbouring cells. Our analysis and numerical simulations show that the model generates regular patterns with peaks of auxin concentrations separated with a distance given by the parameters. We have analysed the model for more than one spatial dimension and with different compartmental structures. We have shown that these modifications does not affect the model's ability to generate patterns. For our model we often assume that the PIN1 dynamics are much faster than the auxin dynamics. We have investigated the effect of this assumption and our conclusion is that it does not affect the model's ability to generate patterns.