
Rev Date Author Line
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 1 <%@ page
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 2   pageEncoding="UTF-8"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 3   session="false"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 4   import="net.sf.basedb.core.Application"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 5   import="net.sf.basedb.core.User"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 6   import="net.sf.basedb.core.DbControl"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 7   import="net.sf.basedb.core.SessionControl"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 8   import="net.sf.basedb.clients.web.Base"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 9   import="net.sf.basedb.clients.web.util.HTML"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 10   import="net.sf.basedb.clients.web.extensions.ExtensionsControl"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 11   import="net.sf.basedb.util.Values"
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 12 %>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 13 <%@ taglib prefix="base" uri="/WEB-INF/base.tld" %>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 14 <%@ taglib prefix="t" uri="/WEB-INF/tab.tld" %>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 15 <%@ taglib prefix="p" uri="/WEB-INF/path.tld" %>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 16 <%
3976 26 May 16 nicklas 17 final SessionControl sc = Base.getExistingSessionControl(request, "net.sf.basedb.reggie", true);
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 18 final String ID = sc.getId();
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 19 final float scale = Base.getScale(sc);
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 20 final String home = ExtensionsControl.getHomeUrl("net.sf.basedb.reggie");
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 21 DbControl dc = null;
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 22 try
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 23 {
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 24   dc = sc.newDbControl();
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 25   final User user = User.getById(dc, sc.getLoggedInUserId());
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 26   final String lysateName = request.getParameter("lysate");
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 27   final int index = Values.getInt(request.getParameter("index"));
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 28   final String title = "Edit Qiacube/DNA/RNA/FT details for " + lysateName;
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 29 %>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 30 <base:page type="popup" title="<%=title %>">
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 31 <base:head 
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 32   scripts="tabcontrol-2.js,~edit_dnarna_details.js,~../reggie-2.js"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 33   styles="tabcontrol.css"
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 34 />
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 35 <base:body>
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 36   <h1><%=title %></h1>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 37
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 38   <div id="page-data"
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 39     data-index="<%=index%>"
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 40   ></div>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 41
2595 20 Aug 14 nicklas 42   <form name="details">
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 43
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 44   <t:tabcontrol id="settings"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 45     subclass="content dialogtabcontrol" 
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 46     position="bottom" remember="true" 
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 47     >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 48     <t:tab id="details" title="Details">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 49       <table class="fullform input100">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 50       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 51         <th>Qiacube position</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 52         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 53           <input type="text" name="qiacubePosition" id="qiacubePosition"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 54             style="width: 5em;"  maxlength="3"> (1--12)
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 55         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 56       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 57       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 58         <th>Lysate total quantity</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 59         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 60           <input type="text" name="lysateOriginalQuantity" id="lysateOriginalQuantity" 
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 61             style="width: 10em;" maxlength="8"> (µl)
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 62         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 63       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 64       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 65         <th class="subprompt">used quantity</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 66         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 67           <input type="text" name="lysateUsedQuantity" id="lysateUsedQuantity"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 68             style="width: 10em;" maxlength="8"> (µl)
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 69         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 70       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 71       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 72         <th class="subprompt">comment</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 73         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 74           <input type="text" name="lysateComment" id="lysateComment" maxlength="255">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 75         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 76       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 77       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 78         <th>DNA volume</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 79         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 80           <input type="text" name="dnaVolume" id="dnaVolume"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 81             style="width: 10em;" maxlength="8"> (µl)
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 82         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 83       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 84       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 85         <th class="subprompt">comment</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 86         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 87           <input type="text" name="dnaComment" id="dnaComment" maxlength="255">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 88         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 89       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 90       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 91         <th>RNA volume</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 92         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 93           <input type="text" name="rnaVolume" id="rnaVolume"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 94             style="width: 10em;" maxlength="8"> (µl)
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 95         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 96       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 97       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 98         <th class="subprompt">comment</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 99         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 100           <input type="text" name="rnaComment" id="rnaComment" maxlength="255">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 101         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 102       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 103       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 104         <th>FT volume</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 105         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 106           <input type="text" name="ftVolume" id="ftVolume"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 107             style="width: 10em;" maxlength="8"> (µl)
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 108         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 109       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 110       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 111         <th class="subprompt">comment</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 112         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 113           <input type="text" name="ftComment" id="ftComment" maxlength="255">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 114         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 115       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 116       <tr class="dynamic">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 117         <th></th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 118         <td></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 119       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 120       </table>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 121     </t:tab>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 122     
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 123     <t:tab id="reagents" title="Reagents">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 124       <table class="fullform input100 larger">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 125       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 126         <th>Lysis reagents</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 127         <td></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 128         <td><b>Default</b></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 129       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 130       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 131         <th class="subprompt">RLT Plus buffer</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 132         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 133           <input type="text" name="rltPlusBuffer" id="rltPlusBuffer" maxlength="255"
4094 12 Sep 16 nicklas 134             data-lysis="1"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 135             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="betaMercaptoetanol"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 136           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 137         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 138         <td id="rltPlusBuffer.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 139       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 140       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 141         <th class="subprompt">Beta-Mercaptoetanol</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 142         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 143           <input type="text" name="betaMercaptoetanol" id="betaMercaptoetanol" maxlength="255"
4094 12 Sep 16 nicklas 144             data-lysis="1"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 145             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="reagentDx"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 146           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 147         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 148         <td id="betaMercaptoetanol.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 149       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 150       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 151         <th class="subprompt">Reagent DX</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 152         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 153           <input type="text" name="reagentDx" id="reagentDx" maxlength="255"
4094 12 Sep 16 nicklas 154             data-lysis="1"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 155             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="qiaShredderColumn"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 156           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 157         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 158         <td id="reagentDx.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 159       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 160       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 161         <th class="subprompt">QIAshredder column</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 162         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 163           <input type="text" name="qiaShredderColumn" id="qiaShredderColumn" maxlength="255"
4094 12 Sep 16 nicklas 164             data-lysis="1"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 165             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="allPrepMiniKit"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 166           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 167         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 168         <td id="qiaShredderColumn.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 169       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 170       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 171         <th>QiaCube reagents</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 172         <td></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 173         <td></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 174       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 175       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 176         <th class="subprompt">AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini kit</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 177         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 178           <input type="text" name="allPrepMiniKit" id="allPrepMiniKit" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 179             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="etoh70"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 180           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 181         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 182         <td id="allPrepMiniKit.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 183       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 184       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 185         <th class="subprompt">ETOH 70%</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 186         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 187           <input type="text" name="etoh70" id="etoh70" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 188             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="bufferRw1"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 189           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 190         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 191         <td id="etoh70.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 192       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 193       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 194         <th class="subprompt">Buffer RW1</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 195         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 196           <input type="text" name="bufferRw1" id="bufferRw1" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 197             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="bufferRpe"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 198           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 199         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 200         <td id="bufferRw1.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 201       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 202       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 203         <th class="subprompt">Buffer RPE</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 204         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 205           <input type="text" name="bufferRpe" id="bufferRpe" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 206             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="bufferAw1"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 207           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 208         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 209         <td id="bufferRpe.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 210       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 211       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 212         <th class="subprompt">Buffer AW1</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 213         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 214           <input type="text" name="bufferAw1" id="bufferAw1" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 215             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="bufferAw2"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 216           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 217         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 218         <td id="bufferAw1.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 219       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 220       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 221         <th class="subprompt">Buffer AW2</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 222         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 223           <input type="text" name="bufferAw2" id="bufferAw2" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 224             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="bufferEb"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 225           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 226         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 227         <td id="bufferAw2.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 228       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 229       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 230         <th class="subprompt">Buffer EB</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 231         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 232           <input type="text" name="bufferEb" id="bufferEb" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 233             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="rnaseFreeWater"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 234           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 235         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 236         <td id="bufferEb.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 237       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 238       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 239         <th class="subprompt">RNase free water</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 240         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 241           <input type="text" name="rnaseFreeWater" id="rnaseFreeWater" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 242             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="allPrepDnaColumn"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 243           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 244         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 245         <td id="rnaseFreeWater.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 246       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 247       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 248         <th class="subprompt">AllPrep DNA Mini Spin Column</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 249         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 250           <input type="text" name="allPrepDnaColumn" id="allPrepDnaColumn" maxlength="255"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 251             class="auto-init" data-auto-init="focus-on-enter" data-next-focus="rneasyColumn"
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 252           >
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 253         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 254         <td id="allPrepDnaColumn.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 255       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 256       <tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 257         <th class="subprompt">RNeasy Mini Spin Column</th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 258         <td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 259           <input type="text" name="rneasyColumn" id="rneasyColumn" maxlength="255">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 260         </td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 261         <td id="rneasyColumn.default"></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 262       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 263       <tr class="dynamic">
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 264         <th></th>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 265         <td><div class="messagecontainer note">Leave above fields empty to use the default lot numbers.</div></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 266         <td></td>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 267       </tr>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 268       </table>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 269     </t:tab>
2690 24 Sep 14 nicklas 270   </t:tabcontrol>  
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 271   </form>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 272   
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 273   <base:buttongroup subclass="dialogbuttons" id="dialogbuttons">
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 274     <base:button id="btnSave" title="Ok" />
2688 23 Sep 14 nicklas 275     <base:button id="close" title="Cancel" />
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 276   </base:buttongroup>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 277 </base:body>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 278 </base:page>
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 279 <%
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 280 }
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 281 finally
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 282 {
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 283   if (dc != null) dc.close();
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 284 }
1642 10 May 12 nicklas 285 %>