
Rev Date Author Line
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 1 # The build script will set the correct version
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 2 Summary: A multi-user platform for analysis and management of proteomics data. 
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 3 Name: _PACKAGE_
3566 17 Feb 10 gregory 4 Version: _VERSION_
3566 17 Feb 10 gregory 5 Release: _RELEASE_
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 6 License: GPL
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 7 Group: Applications/Scientific
3566 17 Feb 10 gregory 8 Source: http://www.proteios.org/htdocs/downloads/_VERSION_/_PACKAGE_-_VERSION_.tar.gz
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 9
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 10 %description
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 11
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 12 %prep
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 13 %setup
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 14
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 15 %install
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 16 export CATALINA_HOME=/srv/tomcat6 
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 17 export PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 18 sh ./install.sh --force > filelist
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 19
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 20 %files -f filelist
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 21
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 22 %post 
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 23 chgrp tomcat -R /srv/tomcat6/webapps/proteios
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 24 chown tomcat -R /srv/tomcat6/webapps/proteios
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 25 chown root /etc/init.d/proteios_ftp_server.sh.in
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 26 chgrp root /etc/init.d/proteios_ftp_server.sh.in
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 27 chmod u+x /srv/tomcat6/webapps/proteios/WEB-INF/init.sh
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 28 chmod u+x /srv/tomcat6/webapps/proteios/WEB-INF/update.sh
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 29 chmod u+x /etc/init.d/proteios_ftp_server.sh.in
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 30 if [ -e /srv/tomcat6/webapps/proteios/WEB-INF/classes/proteios.config ]; then
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 31   chmod a-x /srv/tomcat6/webapps/proteios/WEB-INF/init.sh
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 32 fi
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 33
3564 15 Feb 10 gregory 34 %changelog