yat  0.8.3pre
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
\NthepluThe Department of Theoretical Physics namespace as we define it
 \NyatYat project namespace
  oNclassifierClassifier related classes
  |oCBootstrapSamplerClass creating trainingset and validationset using bootstrapping
  |oCConsensusInputRankerRobust algorithm to rank rows in a data matrix versus a target vector
  |oCCrossValidationSamplerClass splitting a set into training set and validation set in a crossvalidation manner
  |oCDataLookup1DClass for general vector view
  |oCDataLookupWeighted1DClass for general weighted vector view
  |oCEnsembleBuilderClass for ensembles of supervised classifiers
  |oCFeatureSelectorInterface class for FeatureSelection
  |oCFeatureSelectorIRFeatureSelector using an InputRanker
  |oCFeatureSelectorRandomClass for selection features by random
  |oCGaussianKernelFunctionClass for Gaussian kernel calculations
  |oCIGPClass for In Group Proportions (IGP)
  |oCIRRankFunctor retrieving minus rank from a InputRanker to build a ConsensusInputRanker
  |oCIRRetrieveInterface class for retrieving information from a InputRanker to build a ConsensusInputRanker
  |oCInputRankerClass for ranking rows in a matrix, using a Score and a target vector
  |oCKernelInterface Class for Kernels
  |oCKernelFunctionInterface class calculating elements in Kernel
  |oCKernelLookupLookup into Kernel
  |oCKernel_MEVMemory Efficient Kernel
  |oCKernel_SEVSpeed Efficient Kernel
  |oCKNNNearest Neighbor Classifier
  |oCNeighborWeightingConceptConcept check for a Neighbor Weighting Method
  |oCKNN_ReciprocalDistanceA model of the concept Neighbor Weighting Method to be used with KNN to weight the votes of the k nearest neighbors of a sample
  |oCKNN_ReciprocalRankA model of the concept Neighbor Weighting Method to be used with KNN to weight the votes of the k nearest neighbors of a sample
  |oCKNN_UniformA model of the concept Neighbor Weighting Method to be used with KNN to weight the votes of the k nearest neighbors of a sample
  |oCMatrixLookupGeneral view into utility::Matrix
  |oCMatrixLookupWeightedGeneral view into utility::MatrixWeighted
  |oCNBCNaive Bayesian Classifier
  |oCNCCNearest Centroid Classifier
  |oCPolynomialKernelFunctionClass for polynomial kernel calculations
  |oCSVMSupport Vector Machine
  |oCSvmMultiClassSupport Vector Machine for more than two classes
  |oCSamplerInterface class for dividing samples into training and validation
  |oCSubsetGeneratorClass splitting Data into training and validation set
  |oCSupervisedClassifierInterface class for supervised classifiers that use data in a matrix format
  |\CTargetClass for containing sample labels
  oNnormalizerNormalization of data
  |oCCentralizerCentralize a range
  |oCColumnNormalizerUsing a functor T to normalize each column
  |oCGaussGaussian Normalizer
  |oCqQuantileNormalizerPerform Q-quantile normalization
  |oCQuantileNormalizerPerform quantile normalization
  |oCRowNormalizerUsing a functor T to normalize each column
  |oCSpearmanReplace elements with normalized rank
  |\CZscoreZero mean and unity variance
  oNomicClasses and functions related to genomics and proteomics
  |oCAminoAcidEqualFunctor comparing if two Codons translate to the same amino acid
  oNrandomRandom number distributions
  |oCRNGRandom Number Generator
  |oCRNG_stateClass holding state of a random generator
  |oCDiscreteDiscrete random number distributions
  |oCDiscreteUniformDiscrete uniform distribution
  |oCPoissonPoisson Distribution
  |oCContinuousContinuous random number distributions
  |oCContinuousUniformUniform distribution
  |oCContinuousGeneralGenerates numbers from a histogram in a continuous manner
  |oCExponentialGenerator of random numbers from an exponential distribution
  |\CGaussianGaussian distribution
  oNregressionStatistical modeling of data
  |oCAkimaInterpolationNon-rounded Akima spline with natural boundary conditions
  |oCAkimaPeriodicInterpolationAkimaPeriodic interpolation
  |oCCSplineInterpolationCubic spline with natural boundary conditions
  |oCCSplinePeriodicInterpolationCubic spline with periodic boundary conditions
  |oCGSLInterpolationBase class for interfacing GSL interpolation
  |oCKernelInterface Class for calculating the weights in a more general way than classical rectangular windows
  |oCKernelBoxClass for KernelBox a.k.a. rectangular window
  |oCKernelTriCubeClass for TriCubal kernel
  |oCLinearLinear regression
  |oCLinearInterpolationLinear interpolation
  |oCLinearWeightedLinear regression
  |oCLocalClass for Locally weighted regression
  |oCMultiDimensionalMultiDimesional fitting
  |oCMultiDimensionalWeightedMultiDimesional fitting
  |oCNaiveNaive Regression
  |oCNaiveWeightedNaive fitting
  |oCOneDimensionalInterface Class for One Dimensional fitting
  |oCOneDimensionalWeightedInterface Class for One Dimensional fitting in a weighted fashion
  |oCPolynomialPolynomial regression
  |oCPolynomialInterpolationPolynomial interpolation
  |oCPolynomialWeightedPolynomial Regression in weighted fashion
  oNstatisticsStatistical methods, classes, and functions
  |oCAUCArea Under ROC Curve
  |oCAverageFunctor to take average of a range
  |oCAveragerClass to calculate simple (first and second moments) averages
  |oCAveragerPairClass for taking care of mean and covariance of two variables
  |oCAveragerWeightedClass to calulate averages with weights
  |oCAveragerPairWeightedClass for taking care of mean and covariance of two variables in a weighted manner
  |oCaverager_traits< utility::unweighted_iterator_tag >
  |oCaverager_traits< utility::weighted_iterator_tag >
  |oCEuclideanDistanceCalculates the Euclidean distance between two points given by elements of ranges
  |oCFisherFisher's exact test
  |oCFoldChangeScore given by the difference by the group means
  |oCHistogramHistograms provide a convenient way of presenting the distribution of a set of data
  |oCKolmogorovSmirnovKolmogow Smirnov Test
  |oCPearsonClass for calculating Pearson correlation
  |oCPearsonCorrelationClass for calculating Pearson correlation
  |oCPearsonDistanceCalculates the Pearson correlation distance between two points given by elements of ranges
  |oCPercentilerFunctor to calculate percentile of a range
  |oCROCReciever Operating Characteristic
  |oCSAMScoreClass for score used in Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM)
  |oCScoreInterface Class for score classes
  |oCSmootherEstimating a distribution in a smooth fashion
  |oCSNRScoreClass for score based on signal-to-noise ratio (SNRScore)
  |oCTukeyBiweightEstimatorTukey's Biweight Estimator
  |oCtScoreClass for Fisher's t-test
  |oCtTestClass for Student's t-test
  |oCVectorFunctionInterface Class for vector functors
  |oCMaxLarget element
  |oCMedianMedian element
  |oCMeanMean element
  |oCMinSmallest element
  \NutilityMiscellaneous functionality
   |oCweighted_iterator_traits_detail< T, typename boost::enable_if< typename boost::is_convertible< T, DataWeight > >::type >
   |oCunweighted_type_and< unweighted_iterator_tag, unweighted_iterator_tag >
   |oCmutable_reference< true >
   |oCiterator_traits_detail< Iter, typename boost::enable_if< is_weighted< Iter > >::type >
   |\CVectorPusher< std::string >
   oCCommandLineClass for parsing the command line
   oCContainer2DConcept check for Container2D
   oCMutable_Container2DConcept check for Mutable Container2D
   oCTrivialIteratorConcept check for Trivial Iterator
   oCDataIteratorConceptConcept check for Data Iterator
   oCDistanceConceptConcept check for a Distance
   oCContainer2DIteratorIterator for a Container2D
   oCDataWeightHolds a pair of data and associated weight
   oCDataWeightProxyProxy class for DataWeight
   oCruntime_errorClass used for all runtime error detected within yat library
   oCcmd_errorClass used for error reported from Commandline or Option
   oCerrno_errorClass that contains information reported via global variable errno
   oCGSL_errorClass for errors reported from underlying GSL calls
   oCIO_errorClass to report errors associated with IO operations
   oCFileUtilChecking file/directory existence and access permissions
   oCGetlineIteratorRead from std::istream with std::getline
   oCIndexClass for storing indices of, e.g., a MatrixLookup
   oCKernelPCAPrincipal Component Analysis on a Kernel Matrix
   oCMatrixInterface to GSL matrix
   oCMatrixWeightedWeighted Matrix
   oCNNIInterface class for nearest neighbour imputation (NNI) algorithms
   oCOptionContainer of variables for an option
   oCOptionArgOption with argument
   oCOptionFileClass for file related options
   oCOptionInFileClass for file related options
   oCOptionOutFileClass for file related options
   oCOptionHelpClass for help option
   oCOptionSwitchClass for switch option
   oCPCAPrincipal Component Analysis
   oCSegmentClass for a Segment or Interval
   oCSegmentCompareFunctor using compare
   oCSegmentMapMap of Segments
   oCSegmentSetSet of Segments
   oCSegmentTreeBase Class for SegmentSet and SegmentMap
   oCBasicStreamRedirectRedirect a stream to another stream
   oCRangeA class for storing a shallow copy of a Range
   oCDereferencerAdaptor between pointer and pointee interface
   oCIdentityIdentity functor that returns its argument
   oCless_nanFunctor that behaves like std::less with the exception that it treates NaN as a number larger than infinity
   oCless_nan< DataWeight >Specialization for DataWeight
   oCpair_value_compareFunctor comparing pairs using second
   oCPairFirstFunctor that return std::pair.first
   oCPairSecondFunctor that return std::pair.second
   oCStrideIteratorAdaptor using a stride on underlying iterator
   oCSVDSingular Value Decomposition
   oCTypeInfoWrapper class for storing std::type_info
   oCVectorThis is the yat interface to GSL vector
   oCVectorBaseThis is the yat interface to GSL vector
   oCVectorConstViewRead-only view
   oCVectorMutableThis is the mutable interface to GSL vector
   oCVectorViewThis is the yat interface to gsl_vector_view
   \CWeNNIWeighted Nearest Neighbour Imputation

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